About me

My name is Jan van Spil. Dutch by origin, I was born in 1970. Since 2017 I live, with my wife and our two children in Verdun in the French region Grand Est.

Because of my interest in laying hens, I switched to specific poultry education at the age of sixteen to broaden my knowledge about chickens. And up until today I am passionate about these birds and their prominent role in the worldwide human food chain. So to speak, these animals have made my professional career. Through various functions and responsibilities, I have gained a broad knowledge of poultry and have been able to build up a worldwide network of people and companies who share the passion for poultry with me.

Due to a strategic company change at my former employer, I started in 2022 a search for a new challenge. I began asking myself: what would I like to do? My answer to that question was: to be engaged in an innovative poultry business and be able to decide with whom to achieve that objective. This made me decide to continue as a self-employed. I started my own freelance company in 2023 named GallinisGuide. In this independent poultry consultancy I share my knowledge and experience in poultry business.
In other words: Freelance Expertise Sharing in Poultry Caring.
This together with my personal competencies and characteristics is how I can be optimally effective for a company who ask GallinisGuide to support them. Some of my competencies and characteristics:

  • ability to connect with people
  • analytical
  • supportive
  • team player, who enjoys operating solo
  • honest
  • committed
  • flexible
  • curious
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